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Legal Disclaimer- CSVL

It has been brought to our attention that Civil Secured Vaults and Logistics Limited is fraudulented represented by unknown persons, agencies and organisations who has no connection with the company and that information from the website of Civil Secured Vaults and Logistics Limited has been copied to these fraudulent websites.

Furthermore, it has been reported that enquiries via these fraudulent websites have led to business dealings that are professed to have originated from Civil Secured Vaults and Logistics Limited

We hereby confirm that emails, contact numbers or any form of contact outside the original contact details on the website (, are fraudulent. and that the persons or company responsible for them have no connection whatsoever with Civil Secured Vaults and Logistics Limited.

We regret the confusion the scam e-mails may have caused, but Civil Secured Vaults and Logistics Limited is not responsible for – nor will be held liable for – any financial actions taken as a result of fraudulent activities.

Fraud Alert

what we offer


We guarantee the highest degree of satisfaction and provide the best possible security services in the world

support 24x7

We provide 24 hour customer care via call and emailing. Request a callback and we will be available soon.

satisfied cost

We provide cost efficient pricing for the quality and excellent services we offer to our clients. Get in touch